Dynamix at Work
PIctures of Dynamix at work
One of the first commercials Coach Cal did after he became coach at UK (2009)
One of the first commercials Coach Cal did after he became coach at UK (2009)
Recording the Alltech World Equestrian Games theme songs (2010)
Recording the Alltech World Equestrian Games theme songs (2010)
Recording the Alltech World Equestrian Games theme songs (2010)
Recording the Alltech World Equestrian Games theme songs (2010)
Commercial for Paul Miller Ford (2016)
Greg Page's family being interviewed by Paul Wagner for his "Black in Blue" documentary (2017)
Gov. Breathitt's daughter and Nate Northington being interviewed by Paul Wagner's "Black in Blue" documentary (2017)
Paul Miller Ford commercial with coaches Stoops and Mitchell (2017)
Former Keeneland president Ted Bassett (2018)
Dustin Jones running location audio in Illinois for the documentary "Lincoln in Illinois" (2018)
Ctors on set for the documentary "Lincoln in Illinois" (2018)
Recording for Alltech's PIkeville Distillery in Hyden, KY (2016)
Then mayor Jim Gray for an episode of Eastern Standard (2018)
Paul Miller Ford shoot with Coach Cal (2011)
Current and former Speakers of the House at Transylvania University for C-SPAN (2011)
Authors Matt Jones and Chris Tomlin record their audiobook "Mitch, Please" (2020)
In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina for the NCAA (2008)
Steve Zahn channels his inner ape during ADR work for "War for the Planet of the Apes" (2017)
Guest producer Minnie
Centerpointe podcast recording at Centre College (2016)
Interviewing in PIkeville for an episode on the Hatfield & McCoy feud for the Travel Channel (2016)
Wildcat Warmup live radio for the UK Radio Network (2016)
Live sound for a UK Football game (2016)
Engineering the Guiness World Record for loudest arena during the UK/Kansas basketball game in 2017
Shooting a UK Football spot for Superbowl broadcast (2017)
UK HealthCare TV spot in UK's basketball practice facility (2015)
TV spot for Red Mile (2015)
Ella listening
Alltech/UK Opera Celebration of Song (2011)
Alltech/UK Opera Celebration of Song (2010)
PSA for the NCAA in Michigan Wolverines stadium (2005)
Tom Martin, Host of EASTERN STANDARD
Kentucky Men's Choir (2014)
Coach Cal at Dixiana Farm (2015)
Daisy, our late client relations manager
Our very first studio on Permiter Drive (2003)
Warehouse Block Party in our business neighborhood
Jim Bannister (L) meets Sallie Showalter (R). Showalter's ancestor was involved in the lynching of Bannister's ancestor in 1901 in Paris, Kentcky. This meeting was recorded for EASTERN STANDARD.