Nov 01, 2006 10:02 AM
Why are commercials so loud? I think another question needs to be answered before that one: why are television programs so soft? Once you start thinking about that one, you may be starting to see where I’m going. Most of the answer lies in dynamics. Read More...Tags: Dynamix Productions, commercials, loud, loud commercials, Neil Kesterson
Jul 31, 2006 10:42 AM
Music: it can add a whole new dimension to a soundtrack. It creates emotion, adds drama, and sometimes takes the place of dialog to tell the story. Without it, a soundtrack can be lifeless, dull, uninspiring, and flat. It’s also one of the most misunderstood legal (or illegal) aspects of production. To the uninitiated or less experienced, the quest to understand the rules can be one of the most frustrating, bewildering, and sometimes neglected processes. Read More...Tags: Dynamix Productions, Neil Kesterson, music, production, production music, podcast, copyright, ASCAP, bMI
Apr 01, 2006 04:54 PM
Welcome to the first edition of an informal look at the world from the view of an audio engineer. Now I know what you’re thinking - all that engineers are interested in are the latest electronic toys and model numbers, we say cryptic things to each other like “that A-I-F-F needs to be minus twenty D-B before you set your levels to zero,” and we can’t possibly have a grasp on the “real world” going on outside our padded walls that we call the studio. Read More...Tags: Dynamix Productions, Neil Kesterson, The Terminator, termintaor, Audio, Audio engineer, Aiff, Aif, Decibel