With all the buzz nationally about which Superbowl spot would be the best, we can't forget about great spots produced for fans in and around Kentucky. Team Cornett recently partnered with Dynamix Productions for the latest Kentucky Football season ticket ad. The music track from A J Hochhalter starts off ambient as we see various scenes around Kentucky shot by Kong Productions. It then slowly rises in energy as we see Kentucky fans, until we hear Coach Stoops ask "Are you with me?"
The music track then takes on a heavy beat as we see various stylized game action shots from the 2014 season. The spots end with an impassioned cry from Coach Stoops, "Are you with me!!!???" Then a resounding "Yes Sir!!!!" from hundreds of voices ends the spot.
In order to create the non-music elements, we had Coach Stoops come into the studios of Dynamix to give us several dozen versions of "Are you with me?" We also went to the UK campus and recorded a few hundred Army ROTC cadets saying "Yes sir!!!" We then layered 4 different takes to create more than 800 voices.
Like last year's spot, it has been a big hit regionally. We look forward to working on next year's!
Watch the video here