"The Maya" Documentary now in Smithsonian Gift Shop
Jan 02, 2006 09:32 AM Filed in:
NewsThe Maya live today, and they dance. Fannee Higlander of Indian Summer Productions Georgetown, Kentucky has captured traditional Mayan dance in a new documentary called "The Maya." This program is now available in the gift shop at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Javier Alarcon of Mexico is of Mayan descent and has recreated what he believes to be the true ceremonial dance of the ancient Maya. Javier travels the North American continent with his dance troupe to enlighten the masses in the ancient dance and the struggles the present day Mayan people have endured to maintain their culture in the face of modern society. Greg Sparks of VideoLab in Lexington edited the program, and Neil Kesterson of Dynamix Productions produced the soundtrack. If you'd like a copy for $15.00, you don't have to fly to D.C., just email Fanne Higlander at