We Listen
It's often assumed that someone with a visual impairment, such as blindness, has better hearing. While this person may collect more audible information than most of us, there is no physical advantage over someone with sight. That information is collected by the brain. That person has trained themselves to rely more on the remaining senses.
Golden Ears
“My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That's just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!”
James Bond
"Goldfinger" (United Artists)
The other day, someone said to me, "You must have golden ears." He was referring to my profession as an audio engineer. He assumed that I physically had much better hearing than the average person. I don't. In fact, I often have trouble hearing conversations at loud parties and can't hear high-pitched whines that drive 20-somethings crazy. But I do think I have better hearing than a lot of other middle-aged folks only because I've protected it all these years.
How Things Work
Inside an Engineer's Mind
sound waves
- Elvis
- Star Trek
- Talkies
- Television
- Thomas Edison
- "EVP"
- 3D
- 8-track
- 45rpm
- 78rpm
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- acoustics
- Adam-12
- Africa
- Agriculture
- AI
- AIrpods
- Alan Parson
- Am radio
- Am Radio
- Amateur radio
- Amy Winehouse
- Analog
- Angels on Stage
- Animals
- Apollo
- Apple
- Artificial intelligence
- ATR Magnetics
- Audio engineer
- Audiobook
- Avian
- Backmasking
- baroque
- Beatles
- Bela Lugosi
- Bell Labs
- Bells
- Big Bang
- Birds
- Book on tape
- boom
- Boston
- Broadcasting
- Brown noise
- Carol
- Carrier pigeon
- Cassette
- CB Radio
- CD
- China
- Christmas
- Cicadas
- Cinema
- Civil War
- Clementine
- Cloaking
- Color
- Communications
- Compression
- Computers
- Creepy
- Dance
- Dancing
- Data
- DaW
- DB
- Dies irae
- Digital
- Disc
- Disney
- doctor
- documentaries
- documentary
- dolby
- dorian mode
- Dracula
- Dynamix
- Dynamix Productions
- ear training
- electron
- equipment
- evolution
- Fantasound
- Farm
- Farming
- Feedback
- Fiber-optics
- Film
- Film Sound
- Fleetwood Mac
- Foley
- Fostex
- Frankenstein
- Fritz Lang
- Funny
- gear
- Gene Roddenberry
- George Clooney
- ghosts
- gramophone
- Guinness World Record
- Harpsichord
- Headphones
- Health
- Hearing
- Hearing aid
- Hi-res
- High-bias
- Hip-Hop
- History
- Horror
- Hospital
- infrasound
- invention
- ioT
- iSDN
- Jack White
- Jazz
- John Mellancamp
- John Williams
- Jukebox
- Ken Burns
- Kentucky
- Kiev
- Koss
- Led Belly
- Led Zepelin
- Leitmotif
- Lenny Kravitz
- Les Paul
- Lexington
- Listening
- Livestock
- LP
- LPs
- mars
- Mary Ford
- mastering
- Maxell
- medicine
- meter
- microphone
- microsoft
- mono
- Morse code
- mummy
- music
- mykola Leontovych
- Narration
- Narrator
- Navy
- News
- Noise
- Noise Pollution
- Noise reduction
- Ocean
- Oculus Rift
- Opera
- Orchestra
- Peter J. Wilhousky
- Phone
- Phono
- Phonograph
- Phonogrpah
- Photon
- Pigeon
- Pink noise
- Piracy
- Portastudio
- Prism
- Radio
- Ray Bradbury
- Record
- Recording
- Recording arts
- Recording school
- records
- Records
- Reel to reel
- reel-to-reel
- Reverb
- review
- Richard Wagner
- Rudy Van Gelder
- Rupp Arena
- Science
- Scully
- Secret messages
- shortwave
- shotgun
- shure
- Silence
- Silent film
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Skype
- SmartHome
- Smokey and the Bandit
- sonar
- sony walkman
- sound effects
- sound level
- sound pressure level
- sound wave
- Space
- SPy
- SPying
- Star Wars
- stealth
- stereo
- stethoscope
- Streaming
- subliminal
- submarines
- supraliminal
- surround sound
- Synchronization
- Tape
- Tascam
- Taylor Swift
- telegraph
- telephone
- television
- The Beatles
- Theft
- Thomas Edison
- Time travel
- Transister
- turntable
- TV
- Ukraine
- Ultrasound
- US Navy
- Vampire
- Victrola
- Vietnam
- Vintage
- Vinyl
- vinyl
- virtual reality
- vocoder
- voice-over
- voiceover
- Voyager
- vR
- War
- WAr
- Warfare
- Wax cylinder
- White noise
- Windows
- WW2
- Zoom