Video on Vinyl and Other Turntable Transgressions
"Hello from the children of Planet Earth"
From the gold records aboard the twin Voyager spacecraft
Vinyl is the format that won't die. It'll probably still be around after humans are extinct and our sun has gone supernova. Perhaps in eons, Voyager spacecraft with the golden records aboard will meet distant stars and future vinyl lovers. But in this eon, people will not stop pushing vinyl to its limits. Mad scientists and crazy artists like putting something other than music on it - or in it. More on that later.
Read More...Get in the Groove!
The new generation is discovering what the old generation stopped loving - LPs. LP sales are the highs they’ve been in 22 years. Records aren’t just for hipsters anymore, everyone, including the older generation that gave them up, are groovin’ to them.
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How Things Work
Inside an Engineer's Mind
sound waves
- Elvis
- Star Trek
- Talkies
- Television
- Thomas Edison
- "EVP"
- 3D
- 8-track
- 45rpm
- 78rpm
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- acoustics
- Adam-12
- Africa
- Agriculture
- AI
- AIrpods
- Alan Parson
- Am radio
- Am Radio
- Amateur radio
- Amy Winehouse
- Analog
- Angels on Stage
- Animals
- Apollo
- Apple
- Artificial intelligence
- ATR Magnetics
- Audio engineer
- Audiobook
- Avian
- Backmasking
- baroque
- Beatles
- Bela Lugosi
- Bell Labs
- Bells
- Big Bang
- Birds
- Book on tape
- boom
- Boston
- Broadcasting
- Brown noise
- Carol
- Carrier pigeon
- Cassette
- CB Radio
- CD
- China
- Christmas
- Cicadas
- Cinema
- Civil War
- Clementine
- Cloaking
- Color
- Communications
- Compression
- Computers
- Creepy
- Dance
- Dancing
- Data
- DaW
- DB
- Dies irae
- Digital
- Disc
- Disney
- doctor
- documentaries
- documentary
- dolby
- dorian mode
- Dracula
- Dynamix
- Dynamix Productions
- ear training
- electron
- equipment
- evolution
- Fantasound
- Farm
- Farming
- Feedback
- Fiber-optics
- Film
- Film Sound
- Fleetwood Mac
- Foley
- Fostex
- Frankenstein
- Fritz Lang
- Funny
- gear
- Gene Roddenberry
- George Clooney
- ghosts
- gramophone
- Guinness World Record
- Harpsichord
- Headphones
- Health
- Hearing
- Hearing aid
- Hi-res
- High-bias
- Hip-Hop
- History
- Horror
- Hospital
- infrasound
- invention
- ioT
- iSDN
- Jack White
- Jazz
- John Mellancamp
- John Williams
- Jukebox
- Ken Burns
- Kentucky
- Kiev
- Koss
- Led Belly
- Led Zepelin
- Leitmotif
- Lenny Kravitz
- Les Paul
- Lexington
- Listening
- Livestock
- LP
- LPs
- mars
- Mary Ford
- mastering
- Maxell
- medicine
- meter
- microphone
- microsoft
- mono
- Morse code
- mummy
- music
- mykola Leontovych
- Narration
- Narrator
- Navy
- News
- Noise
- Noise Pollution
- Noise reduction
- Ocean
- Oculus Rift
- Opera
- Orchestra
- Peter J. Wilhousky
- Phone
- Phono
- Phonograph
- Phonogrpah
- Photon
- Pigeon
- Pink noise
- Piracy
- Portastudio
- Prism
- Radio
- Ray Bradbury
- Record
- Recording
- Recording arts
- Recording school
- records
- Records
- Reel to reel
- reel-to-reel
- Reverb
- review
- Richard Wagner
- Rudy Van Gelder
- Rupp Arena
- Science
- Scully
- Secret messages
- shortwave
- shotgun
- shure
- Silence
- Silent film
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Skype
- SmartHome
- Smokey and the Bandit
- sonar
- sony walkman
- sound effects
- sound level
- sound pressure level
- sound wave
- Space
- SPy
- SPying
- Star Wars
- stealth
- stereo
- stethoscope
- Streaming
- subliminal
- submarines
- supraliminal
- surround sound
- Synchronization
- Tape
- Tascam
- Taylor Swift
- telegraph
- telephone
- television
- The Beatles
- Theft
- Thomas Edison
- Time travel
- Transister
- turntable
- TV
- Ukraine
- Ultrasound
- US Navy
- Vampire
- Victrola
- Vietnam
- Vintage
- Vinyl
- vinyl
- virtual reality
- vocoder
- voice-over
- voiceover
- Voyager
- vR
- War
- WAr
- Warfare
- Wax cylinder
- White noise
- Windows
- WW2
- Zoom